Culture Building

The Connection Between Leadership and Company Culture.

We will focus on understanding organizational culture, and how, as the leader, you can shape and change it. This is as much about the change process as it is about culture. Understanding this process, and knowing how to develop capacity for change in your team, are critical to any organization seeking continuous improvement.

As culture is defined as “The way we do things around here,” Oak Tree Leadership Consulting will help you discover what “Your” way is.

Questions to consider:

  1. How will you build relationships with your people? What will be the collective bond and understanding that establishes and maintains a healthy work environment?

  2. What is the dependency continuum?

  3. How do we translate quality relationships to empowerment?

    At Oak Tree Leadership, we offer management training programs designed to develop the skill for building relationships and healthy environments. We will demonstrate the need for interdependency that can promote empowerment.

Get in touch.

Fill out the form and I will reach out to you shortly to schedule a consultation.